Friday, December 7, 2012

How Internet Insurance Leads Have Changed My Agency For the Better

The days of waiting for referrals to spring up or for walk-ins to appear in my office are over. Best of all, cold calling has gone the way of the dinosaur. When I started in financial services, I would cold call 5-8 hours per day and get my butt kicked all day long by people.

Since I started in 1996, the lead world has changed dramatically for the better. With the advent of the internet, lead aggregation sites can generate a continuous flow of leads for my property and casually insurance agency.

I can tell the lead provider the hours I want leads, the zip codes I want to target, and the type of client I want to speak with. I can download the leads into my contact management software and effectively drip on my unclosed leads. Often, the lead providers will follow up immediately with an email introducing my agency to the prospective client.

The beauty of internet insurance leads is that there is an immediate need and a commitment from the prospect to accept a call from the agent. In the old days, I would get 45 rejections for every 5 warm leads, and maybe 1 appointment, if I was lucky.

My strategy was to choose one of the newer lead providers that was started by insurance agents. I find that they give me plenty of leads for my targeted areas and I am not bumping into other agents that utilize the larger lead providers. I can't utilize all the leads anyways, so why go with the industry giant.

Another factor that was important to me was to go with an insurance leads vendor that was not going to nickel and dime me for bad leads. I have been very pleased with the return policy and find the prospects know that I will be calling them.

I use internet auto insurance leads and take about 10 per day for my agency. I find that it has been a tremendous tool for recruiting other agents and scaling my insurance agency. Currently, I am investigating insurance agency lead management software systems to better track my closed and outstanding leads. Many agents just throw away the unclosed leads, but I find that if you drip on these prospects they often convert 6-12 months later when their existing agent provides poor service.

Even at a 10-15% close ratio, my agency will be one of the top new producers for auto insurance in my state of business over the next twelve months.

It is not often that business gets easier over time, but auto insurance leads have transformed my business in short order.

Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   How to Become an Insurance Adjuster   Five Insurance Discounts You Should Know About   What Is Agent of Record Status?   Preparing an Insurance Agency for Sale   

3 Tips for Making the Most of an Insurance Telemarketing Campaign

Even in the Internet Age, there is a great deal of potential for a successful insurance telemarketing campaign. Most insurance professionals find the most success when going "back to the basics;" however, there are still a few hints to know when launching this type of marketing campaign. Below are three top tips for insurance professionals launching a telemarketing campaign:

1. Don't Hide - In your attempt to get through to that VP of Human Resources you are trying to contact, be upfront with whoever answers the phone about who you are and which insurance agency you are calling from. Some insurance sales professionals have attempted to "trick" gatekeepers into putting a call through by claiming they are someone they are not. By doing so, you will only frustrate your prospect. You are unlikely to get a chance to make your sales pitch at all, since you were dishonest in the first place. You also should make sure that you are not calling from a blocked number, since most businesses have caller I.D.

2. Make Sure You Are Using Quality Leads for Insurance Sales - While there are a few ways to obtain leads for your insurance telemarketing campaign, most of them are of low quality and will end up costing you more in time and money than you thought you were saving. The quality and exclusivity of leads matters most when an insurance professional is launching a telemarketing campaign. By purchasing insurance leads from a lead generation company that specializes in only exclusive, qualified leads, you will have more success.

A qualified lead is one that has been recently voice-verified for correct information, so you do not spend hours calling out-of-date and non-existent numbers. An exclusive lead is sold to you from a lead generation company for a certain period, like 45 days. No other agent has been sold this lead by that lead generation company in that time period, so you will have complete exclusivity when you call on your prospect. They will be ready to listen, not frustrated that this is the fifth call they've received that week.

3. Optimize Your Calling Hours - If you are trying to reach business prospects, you have far more flexibility available to you in terms of calling hours than if you were trying to reach working individual consumers. Call your lead on a busy Monday though and you are unlikely to get more than thirty seconds on the phone with the person. Try them on a Thursday afternoon to get a warmer response. Remember that your job is to educate the prospect on your services, and you must ensure that they have enough time to devote to you so that you can do that.

When an insurance professional is launching a telemarketing campaign, it's important to follow these three guidelines to ensure the most successful campaign possible.

Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   How to Become an Insurance Adjuster   Five Insurance Discounts You Should Know About   What Is Agent of Record Status?   Preparing an Insurance Agency for Sale   

Car Insurance - What You Need to Know About No Claims Bonus

What is No Claims Bonus?

When car insurance providers make quotes for drivers they do so based on a number of risk factors. One of these is the likelihood that the driver will make a claim against the policy that will cost the insurer money. Therefore if you can prove you offer a low chance of making a claim on your insurance then you can minimise your risk.

• A no claim bonus offers you the perfect way to do this. If you do not make any claims on your car insurance then over the years you will build up your no claims bonus.

• When you apply for quotes for new car insurance policies then you will be asked to provide details of any no claims bonus years that you hold.

• The bonus will minimise your risk and so can offer you some great savings on your new policy.

• Even one year of no claims could save you money on your car insurance.

Named Drivers

It is important to remember that only the policyholder will be eligible for the no claim bonus. This means if you have any named drivers on your policy then in most cases they will not accrue a bonus, even if they do not make any claims.

• Also if you use a company vehicle then in some cases you will not be building no claim bonuses up in your own name.

• For example if you are a limited company director and use company car insurance then you may not be able to transfer the no claims you build up over to your own name if you want to insure a private car in the future.

• Also those drivers that use vans insured by their employers under company policies may not be able to build up any no claims bonus that they can transfer across to privately owned vehicles.

Written Proof

These days with computer records the details of your no claims bonus should be clearly listed on your last policy. However in some cases you will be asked to provide written proof of your no claims bonus. Once you have achieved a years worth of no claim bonus then your car insurance company should provide you with written proof. If not then you need to contact them and ask for them to send you an up-to-date copy in writing.

If you are unable to prove your bonus when required you may lose any discounts provided in your new car insurance policy.

Multiple Vehicle Policies

You do need to check multiple vehicle policies carefully. In some cases you will only be able to use your bonus on a single vehicle at a time. Other policies will let you build up bonuses against different vehicles.

• If you have two completely separate insurance policies then you may be able to get a discount on your new policy based on the no claims bonus from your first vehicle.

• This is common with separate van insurance policies if you already have no claims on your car insurance.

• To get this type of discount you will need to provide the details of your car insurance no claims bonus to the new vehicle insurance provider.

Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   No Down Payment For Auto Insurance?   Steps By Step Procedure To Choose Car Insurance   Auto Insurance - Top Tips to Help You Save Big   Auto Insurance And the Senior Citizen   

Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About

Myth 1:

While this is not dangerous, it does stop some people from getting the car the really want. The myth is about the color of your car. There are those who believe that having a red car will drive up their insurance rates. This is simply not true. While red is a color associated with fast and sporty cars, insurance companies are much more interested in the cars make and model, as well as the engine size and the body style. The fact that the car is red is moot when it comes to your rates.

Myth 2:

If you drive an older model vehicle, you do not have to worry about having coverage for theft. This is a myth as well. Many people think that their older model car would never be a target for a car thief. However, statistics show that car jackers prefer older cars because they are easier targets than the newer models that likely have some type of alarm system and are harder to break into. No matter how old your car is, you want to be covered in the event that it is stolen.

Myth 3:

Some people truly believe that their auto insurance company can cancel their policy any time they want to. This is not true at all. Unless there is a valid reason for cancellation, no auto insurance company can legally cancel your insurance, and especially not without fair and proper warning beforehand. And why would they want to? Insurance companies thrive because of the business their customers give them and do not like losing people.

Myth 4:

I let my friend borrow my car and she caused an accident. Since she was driving, her insurance company is responsible for any damages. This is perhaps the biggest auto insurance myth there is. The reality is that the insurance company is following the activity of your car, not the one who is driving it. It if is your car and the policy is in your name, your friend is not the responsible party - you are. When all is said and done, you can turn around and sue your friend's insurance company for the damages you had to pay for, but that is a whole separate issue.

Myth 5:

No fault insurance has been a topic of much confusion for the unknowing driver. While some think that it means that an accident will not be marked as their fault even if it is, this is obviously not the way it works. No fault insurance simply means that you, and any others involved in an accident that you caused, are covered for any expenses that are immediately needed. This includes medical attention and car rentals. Other than that, the insurance companies will fight it out to see who is responsible for paying what.

Some auto insurance myths are common sense, but when in doubt run your questions by your insurance agent so there is no confusion later.

Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   No Down Payment For Auto Insurance?   Steps By Step Procedure To Choose Car Insurance   Auto Insurance - Top Tips to Help You Save Big   Auto Insurance And the Senior Citizen   

Motorcycle Insurance Services: How to Get the Best Deal

Motorcycle insurance services are so easy to find nowadays as more and more people are getting into the craze of owning a motorcycle for leisure or transport. The problem with having so many of these services to pick from is that it can become a bit mind boggling trying to figure out how you are going to get the best deal out of them all. This is even more so if you are trying to get your bike insured for the first time in your life.

If you are going to look for motorcycle insurance services then the first thing that you must be prepared to do is to go window shopping from one company to the next. It is already common knowledge that insurance services cost differently from one state to the other. You will be surprised however to find out how big the gaps can be even between two companies in the same region. If you want to find the best deal therefore, do not be scared to take a list of all the companies in the region and compare the rates and services offered.

Motorcycle insurance services will cost you more if it seems that you bike is likely to be a liability to the insurance company. For example, if it seems that it is highly likely that your motorcycle will be stolen, then the insurance company will have to give you a higher quotation. If you want to get the best deal therefore, find a way to secure your bike. You could find a way to safely store it when not in use, secure it when parked or even install the latest alarms that are very popular with bikers nowadays.

The next thing that can help you get the best deal in town would be to do special motor cycle training. You could do a special DMV for cheap that you would get a certificate to show to the insurance companies how capable you are of handling a motorcycle. The class will not cost you much and it will save you much more on insurance premiums in the long run.

Always keep in mind that there are so many fish in the sea. There is no need to stay stuck with unsuitable motorcycle insurance services when you can get a better deal.

Can You Find Cheap Auto Insurance Online for Motorcycles?   Cheap Classic Bike Insurance Rates   Static Caravan Insurance - Compare Quotes   The Importance Of Static Caravan Insurance   

Features in Static Caravan Insurance

Finding a suitable static caravan insurance policy can be a demanding task. There are so many things you have to consider, the cost is one thing of course at the back of everyone's mind but you also have to consider the benefits to insurance. Here are some of the features of insurance for your static caravan that you may wish to check is included in cover you are considering.

Agreed values on a brand new caravan

If you have purchased a brand new static caravan and are looking for insurance for the first time then you could want to take out agreed values cover. This means that you have the caravan insured for its true value and if anything happens to the caravan that is included in the policy and it is destroyed, you would get a brand new replacement. There will be an age limit on new for old so always check the small print.

Protection for the contents

Just as you would insure the contents of your home then same applies to your static caravan. Caravans of today are like home away from home with all the furnishings and fittings, along with electrical equipment, that you would have in a brick and mortar home. As such taking out adequate contents insurance is essential. You might also want to make sure that the contents of the caravan are protected against accidental damage. This is important if you rent out your caravan.

Liability insurance

If you let others stay in your caravan then third party liability insurance is a must. If anyone staying in your caravan were to get injured or die through a fault of yours a claim would be brought against you. Liability insurance pays towards your legal costs which could end up being a substantial sum of money.

Loss of use of the caravan

If anything should happen to the caravan to stop renters staying in it you could stand to lose a great deal of money. Therefore if you do let your caravan make sure that loss of use benefits are included in the static caravan insurance policy. The policy then typically pays towards the loss of rental, up to so much and for a certain period of time.

Other benefits of a policy

You might also want to check to find out if your awnings, steps, gas bottles, patio or any fencing or decking is included in the insurance policy. Some static caravan insurance quotes will include damage to these but there could be limitations and a maximum payout. At the same time find out if the freezer contents are covered and if so up to how much along with protection against damage caused by frost when you caravan is not in use. Typically it will be protected but you may have to take precautions such as draining the system. While the small print can be boring, reading it is essential if you are to know what is and is not covered in your insurance. Failing to read it could end up being a very costly mistake.

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